Thursday, January 9, 2014

Photoshop Tutorials 2014

Photoshop Basics Tutorials

New to Photoshop? Our exclusive Photoshop Basics tutorials are perfect for beginners and cover everything you need to know to get up and running quickly! Use the links directly below to jump to a popular topic (Layers, Selections, Shapes, Type) or continue scrolling down the page to view our entire collection of Photoshop Basics tutorials.

Need printable versions of our tutorials? They're all available for download as convenient, print-ready PDFs.
Working with Tabbed and Floating Documents in Photoshop

Working With Tabbed And Floating Documents In Photoshop

Photoshop CS6 lets us view our open images as either tabbed documents or floating windows. In this tutorial, learn how each display style works, how to switch between them, and how to set them up using Photoshop’s Preferences!
Saving and Switching Workspaces In Photoshop

Saving And Switching Workspaces In Photoshop CS6

Workspaces in Photoshop let us easily switch between different panel layouts for different tasks. In this tutorial, learn all about the built-in workspaces that ship with Photoshop, and how to save your own panel layouts as custom workspaces!
Managing Panels In Photoshop CS6

Managing Panels In Photoshop CS6

Much of what we do in Photoshop involves the use of panels, and with so many panels to work with in Photoshop CS6, things can seem a bit overwhelming. In this tutorial, we learn how to manage and arrange the panels to optimize your work space and keep it all organized!

Photoshop Clipping Masks Essentials

Learn the basics and essentials of how clipping masks work in Photoshop and how you can use them in your designs to easily hide unwanted parts of a layer or fit images into shapes!
Photoshop CS6 New Features - Background Save and Auto Save

Photoshop CS6 New Features – Background Save and Auto Save

Written by Steve Patterson. Photoshop CS6 brings with it two great new features designed to improve your workflow and minimize annoying interruptions.The first of these new features, Background Save, lets Photoshop save your file quietly in the background so you can continue working on the image even as it’s being saved. The second and more… Read more
The Color Range Command - Photoshop Selections

The Color Range Command – Photoshop Selections

When it comes to making color-based selections in an image, most Photoshop users turn to the Magic Wand Tool because it’s easy and it’s right there in the Tools panel. But if you dig a bit deeper, you’ll find the Color Range command, and in this tutorial, you’ll learn why it’s time to wave that Magic Wand goodbye!
Creating Warped Text In Photoshop

Creating Warped Text In Photoshop

Learn how Photoshop’s built-in Warp Text options make it easy to twist, stretch and distort type into all kinds of different shapes and designs, all while keeping the text and the effect itself fully editable!
An Easy Way To Set Your Type Size In Photoshop

An Easy Way To Set Your Type Size In Photoshop

Tired of guessing at font sizes when adding text to your Photoshop documents? Learn how to scale your type to any size you need, with a live preview of the results that makes it easy to choose the right font size every time!
Feather Selections In Photoshop With Quick Mask

Feather Selections In Photoshop With Quick Mask

There are lots of times when we need to feather, or soften, our selection edges, but Photoshop’s Feather command gives us no way to preview what we’re doing. In this tutorial, learn a better way to feather selections using Quick Mask mode!
Unlock The Full Power Of Basic Selections In Photoshop

Unlock The Full Power Of Basic Selections In Photoshop

If all you’ve been doing with Photoshop’s basic selection tools is making a new selection every time, you’ve been missing out. In this tutorial, learn how to unlock their full potential by adding to, subtracting from, and intersecting selections!
Photoshop Type - The Paragraph Panel

Photoshop Type – The Paragraph Panel

Photoshop’s Character and Paragraph panels work as a team to give us full access to every type option available in Photoshop. In this tutorial, we learn about the paragraph-based options in the Paragraph panel like alignment, justification, paragraph spacing, and more!
Photoshop Type - The Character Panel

Photoshop Type – The Character Panel

Photoshop gives us quick access to a few type options in the Options Bar, but its more interesting and advanced options for working with type are found in the Character and Paragraph panels. In this tutorial, we learn all about the Character panel options like leading, tracking, kerning, baseline shift, and more!
Photoshop Point vs Area Type

Photoshop Point vs Area Type

Learn the difference between point and area type in Photoshop, and how area type lets us easily wrap larger amounts of text onto multiple lines inside resizable text boxes!

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