Thursday, January 9, 2014

My Top Ten Tips for Exam Success GET MORE SCORE TRICKS

Step 1
Get a blank piece of paper and outline the material you need to study.  This helps develop a "big picture" overview of the material.  Start with big topics and leave room for subtopics.  Fill in the information as best as you can.  Get another sheet of paper and start over if necessary.  Once you see all the units of information in front of you it will be easier to organize your studying.  This will help you with the next step.
Step 2
Break the material into smaller chunks and study each one.  Only once you understand each one should you move on to the next.  Do this part alone in your quiet study place.  This is when you start to memorize the information you'll need later.  Write down any questions that you may have.
Step 3
The next step is to work with someone else to clarify anything that's confusing.  Work with others, go to review sessions, see a tutor, or work with the professor or a TA.  At this point it's important to make sure that everything is clearly understood.  This is crucial.  If this step is skipped then you're left with trying to memorize hundreds of useless factoids.  It will never mean anything to you later.
Step 4
Now it's time to put the information into your brain for retrieval.  If you've been working all along you will already remember much of it.  Make sure nothing is left out.  Review the tips on memory.  Many students focus on this step exclusively.  It's called cramming.  Just say no. 
Step 5
This next step is not needed by everyone but it's useful if you are having trouble with the course.  You've been studying for hours and hours but, do you really know anything?  Try working with someone else who will ask you questions about the material.  If you can answer and explain concepts without too much effort then you're in good shape.  Usually this help to expose areas that require more attention and study.
Step 6
If the previous step went well then all you have left is to work on weak areas and a general overview the material.  If you didn't do well explaining the material you'll need another round of steps 4 and 5.  Hopefully you left time for this in your study schedule.
If you planned well and kept up with the work there should be little anxiety the night before an exam.  If you started late or waited to get questions answered then you'll be busy the night before.  This will add extra stress and you'll likely make stupid errors on the exam.  At the very least you'll be more susceptible to getting sick which will worsen your situation.
The only thing that should be going through your mind the night before is a sense of confidence.  It's ok to be a little afraid or anxious but not panicky.

1. Find your own deep and compelling reason to successfully learn your subject and pass your exams.

2. Plan your time to include study, revision and social commitments - a balance of having fun, taking breaks and studying is vital.

3. Use multi-coloured Mind Maps® for your notes.

4. Review your notes regularly to reinforce your new-found knowledge.

5. Swiftly skim through your text books and course material before you read them in depth to give you an overview of your subject.

6. Learn how to remember lists of things by linking each item to a location on a journey or route you are familiar with around your town. You could even use your own home.

7. Before you do any revision, warm up by doing some gentle exercise to relieve any tension in your body and to get a rush of healthy oxygen flowing to your brain.

8. Do past papers under thorough exam conditions as often as possible to familiarise yourself with the format and the pressures of working under exam conditions.

9. In an exam, make sure you read the question completely and fully understand what the examiner wants before you allocate your time and begin answering the questions.

10. If you are faced with a mental block breathe deeply, relax and ask yourself "If I did know the answer to this question, what would it be?"

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