Wednesday, January 15, 2014

10 safe online shopping tips 2014

10 safe online shopping tips

  1. Know the business. Buy only from websites you know and trust. Check that the company has a physical address and phone number. If the company operates from overseas, you might have trouble getting a refund or repair if required.
  2. Know the product. Ensure the product is legal and will work in Australia. Check that any warranties or guarantees offered are valid in Australia and that an authorised repairer is close by.
  3. Check the contract. Carefully read the terms and conditions, refund policy, delivery details and policies on costs associated with returns and repairs.
  4. Check the full cost. Be aware of the full cost of your purchase, including currency conversion, taxes, delivery fees, packaging and postage. After adding these costs, it may be cheaper to buy locally.
  5. Protect your privacy. Only buy online from a company if you are satisfied with their privacy policy. Do not provide additional information that the company does not need for the sale.
  6. Confirm the order. The business should enable you to confirm or reject your order before paying.
  7. Keep records. Print your order before and after you confirm. Write down any reference numbers, and print any receipts that display on screen or are emailed to you. Depending on the type of payment used, check your credit card statement, merchant account (such as PayPal) or bank account to ensure you have been charged correctly.
  8. Pay securely. Use only websites that your browser recognises as secure. A secure address begins with https:// or an image of a padlock will appear in the bottom right corner of your browser window.
  9. Resolve problems. When problems occur, immediately contact the business and try to resolve them. Most online shopping and auction sites provide a dispute resolution process to facilitate communication between the buyer and seller. If you are unhappy with the response, you can make a complaint to us.
  10. Look out for scams. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

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